I've got guts!

Ok, I lied last time. I got caught up in other things and didn't exercise. In fact I skipped my workout for 4 days so yesterday Maya (the YF avatar) chided me. I did an hour-long flexibility workout to make up for it. After which I went out for sushi with my boyfriend as a reward, hehe. I also had a caramel macchiato afterwards. I had dropped to 131 one of the days earlier this week but I think that was because it was 6 am and I hadn't had any water since I went to bed the night before. I looked today and I'm at 133. Rock on!

I am trying to figure out what weight I want to aim for. I don't want to be a 95-lb. weakling (had enough of that when I was in middle school). I just want to tone up enough so that my bits and pieces don't make ripples and bulges in my clothing. I have decided that I like being a 6, like it so much that I bought 8 pairs of pants in the size, and I mean to keep wearing them. I like my booty! I don't like my gut, though. So I guess I should just concentrate on reducing my waistline (which is currently about 34"), torso (32"), and hips (about 38")... To stay looking good in a 6, I need to shave about 5" off my middle all-over and just an inch or so off the hips. And as long as I can stay in the 125-130 range I think I can live with myself. That means I can occasionally eat the yummy, rich, fattening foods I crave without sending myself into 140+land.

(Measurements are based on a size finder at about.com. I'm under 5'4" so I used the petites chart.)

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