Hang Tough

No exercise the last two days, however I have done cleaning activities. I did the dishes (which took a while because I also scrubbed down the counters and sink), the laundry (which was many, many trips up and down the stairs to the laundromat), cleaned the living room, made it dirty again, then cleaned it once more. I also took all the bed sheets off the bed and since we only have one set of sheets I spent the night on the sofa so the comforter cover could dry--it usually ends up with stuff inside it in the dryer so it doesn't dry evenly.

I have eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have even had a soda or two. And a handful of chocolate-covered biscuits.

I am still 133! Phew.

I will do some yoga and YF workout (at least 30 minutes) today.

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