Sucking it in

Well, I haven't lost any weight, but none of my pants exploded this week. This is great news.

People keep telling me I'm thin already, which I always thank them for, except I know that I used to be actually thin and not have this basketball hanging out in front, and also that there was a time when my medium and large underwear just fit and didn't make my thighs and bottom extrude like a tufted seat cushion off my buttocks.

Funny, I accidentally burned a line on my belly with an iron one day when I was in a hurry to get ready for work (it seared me on the gap between my tank top and my sweat pants) and it reminds me of the scar my mom has where her Caesarean sections were done, because my stomach pooches out like I'm pregnant. I almost wish I were pregnant so I could have an explanation for this protrusion.

I went through my closet and got rid of some really nice stuff (by the way when you're rooting through your things to find donation materials please don't give them crappy things with stains and holes and missing buttons, I'm sure the people getting your stuff feel bad enough already): a few American Eagle t-shirts, some Express jeans that haven't fit me in 5 years, a khaki Gap jacket that my aunt gave me because it was too small for her (and too big for me--it's practically new), a half-dozen button-down shirts that I used to wear to work, but I can only wear now if I wear a tank top under and keep the shirt open... I think work-type shirts and professional looking clothes would be great to donate because at some point the people displaced by the hurricane will have to try to find work; many of the places they used to work at are probably damaged or destroyed or they may simply be stuck in another state without any belongings at all.

So as soon as I fix the little eye (the hook part is still on) on the front of these dress pants, I'll wash and donate them too. I need bigger pants now anyway.

I made it through workout #21 yesterday! Burned 99 calories (it was upper-body stregth workout, 30 minutes) and graduated to the 5 lb. weights for the bicep curls. Yay!

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