bigger britches

I bit the bullet and bought new pants. Yes, nifty, new, Size 8 pants.

That's not very big, you say, but they feel big to me. BMI says I'm in the normal weight range for my height but if I don't curb my expansion soon, I'm just 6 lbs. away from above normal weight. And it gets harder to lose weight the more you gain, supposedly. Heck, at 140 I've had a hell of a time even getting down to 135. And of course after a few days of inactivity I bounce right back to 140 again.

I don't want to lose weight necessarily, I'm fine with remaining in the 130-140 range. No way I'm ever going to be a 95-lb. weakling again, at least not until I'm 90 and have lost most of my hair, teeth, and bone mass. But the rolls of chub need to go. If I'm going to be big-boned and at the top of my recommended weight zone, at least I want to be able to put on pants again without my thigh fat sticking out like the link on a string of sausages. yeeeh.

My schedule has been so tight lately that I haven't exercised at all in nearly a week. I did tons of overtime, got home late, and then had to go babysit (and be very quiet, so I couldn't really do jumping jacks and the like while babysitting), then clean house, then crash into bed at about 2 am. Then I'm going to be in NY visiting relatives this weekend. Then, maybe, back to normal? I don't know.

I've been paying more attention to my diet, though, oatmeal for breakfast, a tiny cup of lowfat cottage cheese, a sensible lunch, a protein bar for snack (ok, sometimes I have a latte with that), and lots and lots of water, which I wasn't in the habit of drinking before but I'm getting to the required daily amount about 5 days out of 7 now. I still need to come up with something to remind me to drink it while I'm at home.

Ok, dinner time before I go babysit again.

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